28 research outputs found

    Maude Object-Oriented Action Tool

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    MAIDL, André Murbach; CARVILHE, Claudio; MUSICANTE, Martin A. Maude Object-Oriented Action Tool. Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science. [S.l:s.n], 2008.Object-Oriented Action Semantics (OOAS) incorporates object-oriented concepts to the Action Semantics formalism. Its main goal is to obtain more readable and reusable semantics specifications. Moreover, it supports syntax-independent specifications, due to the way classes are written. Maude Object-Oriented Action Tool (MOOAT) is an executable environment for Object-Oriented Action Semantics implemented as a conservative extension of Full Maude and Maude MSOS Tool (MMT). The Modular SOS of Action Notation has been implemented using MMT transitions and Full Maude has been used to implement the Classes Notation. The syntax created by MOOAT is fairly similar to the original Object-Oriented Action Semantics syntax. In addition to it, the tool combines the modularity aspects observed in the object-oriented approach with the efficient execution and analysis of the Maude system. We use MOOAT to describe syntaxindependent specifications of programming languages. In this way, we show how Constructive Object-Oriented Action Semantics (COOAS) may be achieved as a combination between Object-Oriented Action Semantics and Constructive Action Semantics (CAS) using MOOAT, in order to increase the modularity aspects observed in the object-oriented formalism. This paper reports on the development of Maude Object-Oriented Action Tool and its application to the formal specification of programming languages

    Uso de semântica de ações na especificação de um sistema de data warehousing

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    Data warehouses são grandes repositórios de dados integrados, construídos para armazenar informações para auxiliar no processo de tomada de decisão. Na Universidade Federal do Paraná, UFPR, foi desenvolvido o projeto SAGU (Sistema de Apoio ao Gerenciamento Universitário), que é um sistema de suporte à decisão, que tem por objetivo prover os administradores daquela universidade com informações que auxiliarão na direção de seus objetivos. O principal componente deste sistema é um data warehouse. Neste artigo nós apresentamos a especificação formal (utilizando Semântica de Ações) do componente Integrador do data warehouse no contexto do projeto SAGU. A especificação obtida foi utilizada para auxiliar no processo de construção do data warehouse e pode ser considerada parte da documentação do projeto de um data warehouse real

    JCML: A specification language for the runtime verification of Java Card programs

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    AbstractJava Card is a version of Java developed to run on devices with severe storage and processing restrictions. The applets that run on these devices are frequently intended for use in critical, highly distributed, mobile conditions. They are required to be portable and safe. Often, the requirements of the application impose the use of dynamic, on-card verifications, but most of the research developed to improve the safety of Java Card applets concentrates on static verification methods. This work presents a runtime verification approach based on Design by Contract to improve the safety of Java Card applications. To this end, we propose JCML (Java Card Modelling Language) a specification language derived from JML (Java Modelling Language) and its implementation: a compiler that generates runtime verification code. We also present some experiments and quality indicators. This paper extends previous published work from the authors with a more complete and precise definition of the JCML language and new experiments and results

    Typechecking XQuery: A Prototype in ASF+SDF

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    Semistructured data (particularly XML) are the standard data representation for information exchange in the world-wide web. A number of query languages for XML has been proposed. Most of them follow the style of SQL. One of these languages is XQuery. In this work, we propose the construction of a prototype for the static type analysis of XQuery programs. The prototype implements XQuery operational semantics, in a way that is close to that proposed by theW3C. The implementation was built using the ASF+SDF meta-environment. The prototype described here is a first step in the construction of a practical XML query language laboratory, in which different semantics for commands may be tested

    Search-Based Evolution of XML Schemas

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    The use of schemas makes an XML-based application more reliable, since they contribute to avoid failures by defining the specific format for the data that the application manipulates. In practice, when an application evolves, new requirements for the data may be established, raising the need of schema evolution. In some cases the generation of a schema is necessary, if such schema does not exist. To reduce maintenance and reengineering costs, automatic evolution of schemas is very desirable. However, there are no algorithms to satisfactorily solve the problem. To help in this task, this paper introduces a search-based approach that explores the correspondence between schemas and context-free grammars. The approach is supported by a tool, named EXS. Our tool implements algorithms of grammatical inference based on LL(1) Parsing. If a grammar (that corresponds to a schema) is given and a new word (XML document) is provided, the EXS system infers the new grammar that: i) continues to generate the same words as before and ii) generates the new word, by modifying the original grammar. If no initial grammar is available, EXS is also capable of generating a grammar from scratch from a set of samples

    Supporting Non-functional Requirements in Services Software Development Process: An MDD Approach

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    International audienceThis paper presents the π-SODM method an extension to the Service Oriented Development Method (SOD-M) to support the develop- ment of services software considering their functional and non-functional requirements. Specifically, π-SODM proposes: (i) meta-models for rep- resenting non-functional requirements in different abstraction levels; (ii) model-to-model transformation rules, useful to semi-automatically re- fine Platform Independent Models into Platform Specific Models; and (iii) rules to transform Platform Specific Models into concrete imple- mentations. In order to illustrate the use of this methodology the paper describes how its use to develop a proof-of-concept

    Workflow patterns as web service compositions: the case of PEWS

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    In the past years, Web Services (WS) have become the standard for exposing services as application programming interfaces to be consumed from anywhere in the world. Since many operations require the collaboration between two or more WS, the need to have languages to express Web Service Compositions has emerged. Web Service Composition presents a problem very similar to Business Process Management (BPM), both disciplines aim to express complex combinations of operations to achieve broader goals. In BPM these combinations are generally known as Workflows. The current industry standard for representing Web Service Workflows is BPEL, a language developed by Microsoft, IBM and others. PEWS is another language proposed to describe Web Service Compositions. Simplicity and neatness of descriptions are two relevant features of this language. This work proposes some extensions to PEWS in order to support the most common workflow patterns. The extended version of PEWS is able to fully support 36 out of the 43 Workflow Control Patterns as defined in the literature. This new version creates the foundation for further studies on the language, especially future extensions to capture other patterns and features (such as data manipulation, error handling, etc.) as well as the addition of semantic information to compositions.Eje: Workshop Ingeniería de software (WIS)Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    GMC A Graph Categorical Multi-Combinator Machine

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    We present here GM-C, a Graph Categorical Multi-Combinator Machine, a new machine for the compilation of lazy functional languages. The performance figures presented in this work show that GM-C can be faster than a G-Machine, which was implemented with a much higher degree of sophistication. Published in: Microprocessing & Microprogramming vol 31(1-5):81-84, North-Holland, 199